Missing time at work could put you at a serious disadvantage when it comes to being able to pay your bills. If you’re missing work due to an injury or an accident, you may be entitled to receive some compensation. Here are some of the ways that you can go about getting the compensation that you deserve.
There are a variety of different types of accident and unfortunately each one may require a different approach to getting compensation. For instance an injury sustained on the job will require that you proceed with a “worker’s compensation” claim. In this case it is important that you give both your employer and the Doctor that this is a work related injury.
If it is another type of injury such as an auto accident then you must take slightly different steps. Of course you still need to notify your employer that you are injured and can’t work but you must document different things.
Document Your Time
Keeping accurate tabs on the amount of time that you’ve missed from work will give you a better chance of being successful in collecting for lost wages. This means that you’ll need to provide proof that you missed work. The most likely form of proof that will be required is paystubs or even timecards showing that you were out. You will also want to include the same information for a different time frame showing that you would have been working if you hadn’t been injured.
File a Claim
For an injury that was sustained while on the road, you can file a claim with your car insurance company. In some cases, you may even be able to file a claim with the other person’s car insurance. This is more likely in the event that the car accident was determined to be the other driver’s fault. Your car insurance company may even compensate you and then decide to go after the other driver’s insurance company to be reimbursed.
Seek Legal Assistance
Speaking with an auto accident lawyer will help to provide you with guidance through the claims process. They can help you to file the required paperwork so that you can receive compensation for your lost wages and ensure that you get all that you are entitled to. Another benefit is that they will be able to work directly with the insurance company to ensure that the process can move forward as quickly as possible. This may involve having to take the matter to court or engaging in the settlement process.
Provide Medical Information
Another thing that you’ll likely be asked to provide is medical proof that you were unable to return to work. A doctor’s note stating that you couldn’t perform your work functions is the best course of action when it comes to this type of situation. You may also be asked to have your employer provide a letter in regards to the number of hours that were lost and your expected rate of compensation for those lost work hours.
You don’t have to miss out on a paycheck just because you were involved in an accident. Use these tips so that you can receive lost wages and be able to keep your monthly budget in check.
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