Lawn care can be a profitable entrepreneurial opportunity for those who are willing to work hard and consistently network for more clients. Just like any other kind of business, though, there are a few factors and challenges to consider before heading out to buy equipment. Here are a few things to consider before starting a lawn care business.
Managing Startup Costs
Perhaps the most prohibitive aspect of launching a businesses in this industry is relatively high initial startup costs. It’s possible to start with minimal equipment, but this limits the number and type of projects you can work on. Starting a proper lawn care company requires an arsenal of equipment, including chemicals, tools, and vehicles. This is particularly challenging, as it can take a few years before earnings rise to a significant margin over costs.
Demanding Work Environment
Anyone working in lawn care spends a lot of time outdoors on job sites. Even owners and supervisors are often doing as much physical work as their employees as the company gets off the ground. That’s why you should consider talking to a personal physician to assess your personal fitness and physical health before starting a physically-demanding business. You don’t want to invest in your business only to discover your health won’t allow you to continue with it. But if you enjoy being outdoors a lot this could be a great option for you. [Read more…] about Mowing Grass to Earn Green: Things to Consider Before Starting a Lawn Care Business