Often when people lose their jobs, it’s through no fault of their own. Maybe it’s because the industry they’ve chosen to work in has become less popular over time. Maybe it’s because a new rival business has come and taken business away from your previous employers. Maybe it’s because management ran the company poorly and it had to shut down.
One way you can take the “maybes” out of your next career is to make all the decisions yourself. Often the best way to make sure your job is secure is to become your own boss. If you’re considering setting up your own company, here’s how to turn your dream into a reality.
Develop Your USP
The very first thing you should consider when setting up your company is what is going to make you stand out from your competitors. There’s no point just copying what someone else is doing and hoping people prefer your brand to theirs. It either must be a better product, better value for money or maybe simply just better marketed. This is called a “Unique Selling Proposition” (or USP).
The best and most successful businesses are those offering a product or service that you can’t get anywhere else on the market. If you can come up with a completely original idea, then you’ll never have a shortage of customers as you’re the only person they can buy from. Consider the latest trends and see if you can create something even more desirable and exclusive. For example, when Funko Pops became popular many people made money by buying and selling the rarest models. More creative businesspeople made even money by offering something completely different, by creating personalized Funko Pops from photos sent from customers.
Market It
Once you’ve got your million-dollar idea, it’s time to let the world know about it. Decide how you’re going to sell your product. The best way to start your business is online, as you won’t have to pay the traditional overhead expenses like rent or utilities. Take full control of your product by setting up your own website. Platforms like eBay or Etsy might seem like a good way of getting started, but they both take a percentage of every sale you make.
Once you’ve created your online presence, it’s time to make sure you’re taking full advantage of the world wide web. When most people are looking for a product, they search for it in a search engine and pick one of the top results. The positioning of a brand at the top of that list is so important that the process has its own name – Search Engine Optimisation. There are many different algorithms that decide where a website will be listed in the results, so it’s best to employ the help of an expert. The team at clickintelligence.co.uk can help you create a bespoke SEO campaign using a variety of creative and technical strategies in even the most competitive industries. Once they’ve secured you a position towards the top of a search engine, you’ll notice a huge difference in the number of people visiting your website.
Keep striving to improve
Once you’ve come up with your idea, set up your store, and marketed it online, it’s important not to just sit back and relax. Think about ways you can improve your business. It could be improving the quality of your product or the amount of choice you offer. It could even be the value of the product or the speed of the delivery. Whatever it is, every good idea helps put money into your pocket.
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