Injuries and accidents are very debilitating to your everyday way of life, so when you find yourself in such a situation, one of the biggest concerns for people that can cause a lot of stress is wondering what will happen about work. Will there be a financial loss and time off work? When you have to try to get back into your work routine after you’ve been absent for a significant period of time, it can be difficult. Your confidence may also have taken a substantial knock, especially if the injury occurred in your actual workplace.
Here is a guide for returning to work after an injury, with your safety in mind.
Prepare Your Routine in Advance
During your period of injury, your routine may have included not much movement or significant rest and sleep periods. This means your body clock will be out of sync, so it’s a good idea before returning to work to try and set an alarm and get back into the same wake and movement routine you would have during your work schedule.
This can help it to be less of a shock on the first morning returning to work.
During your period of recovery, pay attention to your condition worsening, as any issues with misdiagnosis or new issues which have arisen may be a result of medical negligence, in which case you can gain advice from a medical negligence solicitor.
Speak with Your Supervisor or Manager
It’s important to have a meeting with your superior when you return to work, just to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Your boss may have been in touch with you while you were absent and may be aware of the extent of your injuries, whether minor or severe, but a meeting upon returning to work is important regardless.
Even if this is just an informal chat, it can help your boss to understand your current state and whether you need any extra allowances – such as not being able to complete certain tasks as quickly as you usually would – and it can also help you to feel more comfortable and open about the effects of your injury.
Don’t Take on More Than You Can Handle
If you are physically or mentally unable to directly return to your full-time workload following your injury, you may prefer to phase yourself back in to work. This could be working from home or even working part-time instead of full-time just until you can rebuild your confidence and your workplace ability. Don’t push yourself too hard, and be open and honest about the workload you’re capable of managing following your injury.
Take Care of Yourself
This is a necessary step even without accident or injury, but it’s even more important when on the road to recovery. Ensure that you have time in your work schedule for regular breaks and that you are eating healthy lunches and staying hydrated and well-nourished during the course of your workday.
Work gets busy but this shouldn’t mean that you sacrifice any breaks or the opportunity to eat and drink while you are fulfilling your duties.
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