How to Pick the Right Data Storage Site for Your Small Business
If you own a small business, you’ve probably already heard of the advantages of online data storage. Greater document security, the ability to send files with just a link, and online collaboration are all available for you through different storage sites. The problem, however, comes in choosing which site you want to use. After all, you are entrusting them with your important documents, so it’s important to choose a company you feel comfortable with. Here are a few things you should look at when deciding on a data storage site.
Features Available
Different sites offer different options. Some may be incredibly useful for you, while others would be a waste. Go through the available features and see what is useful for you. Online collaboration is great for some business owners that need multiple people working on one document at the same time. If that’s not necessary for you, then it shouldn’t be your big selling point.
For most people, features that are sure to be useful are those that help make audits easier as well as those that make the site easy to use, like icons on your desktop, a good customer support system, and good syncing capabilities so you aren’t stuck working from a single computer. Whatever features you need, check carefully with the sites to ensure that you will be happy with it down the road. Many even allow free trials just for that purpose, so take advantage and see what works best for you.
Customer Ratings
Looking into a site’s customers and checking on ratings allows you to see how others feel about the service that company provides. Free trials are great, but it’s unlikely that every situation you might run across will occur during those few days. If you get a chance to see the kinds of problems others have found and how quickly the company helped fix it will give you a good idea of what to expect from the site.
Data Security
Data security is obviously a huge factor in which data storage site you choose, so make sure to check these features out carefully. Not all storage sites are created equal, and those key differences could lead to unfortunate situations. Most should encrypt your documents before storage, but you might want to check the site to see who, if anyone, at the company will have access to your decryption key, and what makes you feel most comfortable. You should also look into the details of their physical security protections so you can make a good choice for your documents.
Finally, the cost can be an important factor. Over time, a high cost can eat away at your business’s profitability, so you want to make sure you will be getting your money’s worth out of the product. If one costs more but makes your business more efficient and productive, it could be worth the money; however, it’s important to look carefully before just assuming that a higher cost equals a better product.
Choosing a data storage site shouldn’t be taken lightly, and it’s very important you do your homework first to ensure that you’re saving your important files with a company that’s best for you and your business.
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